How we can support Bill C-279

transequality“We recognize the violence and discrimination faced by the trans, transsexual, transgender, intersex, two-spirit, gender variant (“trans”) community in Canada. In a recent nationwide survey, 74% of transgender youth reported experiencing verbal harassment in school, and 37% reported experiencing physical violence. Transgender individuals in Ontario faceunemployment over three times the national rate and many more are underemployed. As a result of discrimination and bullying, the trans community faces high rates of mental health issues. Rates of depression are as high as two-thirds; 77% of transgender individuals in Ontario report having considered suicide, and 43% have attempted suicide at least once.” Source: Trans Equality Rights in Canada

Bill C-279 will ammend the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code to afford trans people with the same rights and protections as other marginalized groups.  This is forward thinking and important legislation.  It has passed the House of Commons and two readings in the Senate and is now in the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee for review.  If it doesn’t pass before Parliament Adjourns, the bill will die.

Here is how you can help:

Go to THIS WEBSITE and call your corresponding Senators and let them know that this is important and that you support it.

Don’t be quiet on this one!  Trans/transgender/gender variant/intersex/two spirit people need to be as protected as all other Canadians!

To keep up to date on this Bill and other trans issues follow the PSAC on TWITTER or FACEBOOK



