PSA: Date Rape Drugs
It’s cropping up again in our kinky community. A nasty little beast. Persons acting without conscience, without caring. It’s a terrible tool used by those who can’t get what they want consensually. Those without scruples. Those who use our community to find ‘easy’ prey.
I’m talking about the substances known as ‘date rape drugs’.
The ol’ Rev thought he would share some of what he knows to help keep all

Photo Credit: Ralph Daily – Source – CC License
his friends safe. Let me start by saying I am no expert, and certainly no medical professional, but I am a recovered addict. In my distant past, I self-medicated with some of these on more than one occasion. What can I say? I had a misspent youth.
There are three well known and common date rape drugs: Rohypnol, ketamine and GHB. All of them have legitimate medical uses. They are all are sedatives and have similar onset effects. Commonly they are referred to as ‘rave drugs’ and are used by people in recreational capacities. Though Rohypnol is the most well known of the drugs, according to some studies it’s only responsible for a tiny percentage of intoxications.
The drugs create euphoric effects, a chemical drunkenness of sorts. If you have a drink and feel uncharacteristically drunken or intoxicated, it’s time to watch yourself. Ketamine and GHB have a slightly salty taste that can be disguised by sweet or rich flavoured drinks. In other words, you can’t always rely on taste, but there are some signs to look out for.
They are (and remember, you may not feel all or even most of these):
- Lowered inhibitions
- Difficulty concentrating or speaking
- Loss of balance and mobility
- Visual problems, particularly blurred vision
- Memory loss (amnesia) or “blackouts”
- Feeling confused or disoriented, particularly after waking up (if you’ve been asleep)
- Paranoia (a feeling of fear or distrust of others)
- Hallucinations (seeing, hearing or touching things that aren’t there) or having an “out of body” experience
- Nausea and vomiting
Many of these symptoms are things you’ve likely experienced before while under the influence of alcohol. That’s why this is so insidious. Your biggest warning sign is being overly drunk, having had only a little alcohol. Many of these symptoms can present themselves within only a few minutes of consumption, and can remain for up to 72 hours. Blood, urine, and hair tests can be conducted to determine if the intoxication is caused by such a substance. Studies show that Rohypnol can be detected in urine for up to five days, and traces can be found for up to one month in hair samples.
- Only take a drink from an employee of the establishment, bartender or waitress
- Never leave your drink unattended. It’s better to throw it out and order a new one than take a risk
- All 3 drugs come as pill or powders, though GHB is also available in liquid form. Make sure there is nothing floating on your drink. They have high dissolving rates but some can cling to the glass or ice cubes
- If there are any strange flavours, salty or otherwise, stop drinking immediately
Try to find someone you trust. Don’t leave the venue, especially with a stranger. Predators will often try to get you outside, perhaps even in a seemingly innocuous way, like going for a cigarette or fresh air. Don’t go. Let a friend, bar tender, munch organizer, or trusted individual know what you think is happening. While you might have the urge to just get yourself home, do not drive. The effects of the substance in your body can result in your body shutting down or black outs, so being behind the wheel of a motor vehicle is a bad place to be.
Stay safe, my friends!
Reverend_Syn has been involved in kink for nearly as long as he can remember (though sometimes he’s not quite sure what he ate for breakfast) and is involved in the Burlington/Hamilton kink community.